Just like physical movement is natural medicine for our bodies, so is our own sound vibration. Exercising the throat helps us connect with our expression, creative power, and highest truth. In this vocal activation circle, we will practice vocal exercises to clear and activate the energy of the throat and use our sound vibration to co-create a living prayer. Together we will exercise our voices to increase the transmutation, creation, and expression power of our throat chakras

This workshop is great for shy voices and open throats alike because you will meet your voice where you are at. No singing or mantra experience required. This is a space of practice and expression, not performance or perfection.

Alyse will guide you through:
Vocal Warm-ups, Clearings, and Activations
Mantra (Sanskrit)
Medicine Music Sharing (English/Spanish)
Vocal Exploration

No yoga mat required.
Herbal infusion (tea) provided.
Sign up ahead of time.