Why Corporate Yoga?

With more and more employees experiencing stress and burnout, companies that go the extra mile to invest in wellness can better retain talent, enjoy higher productivity from their employees, and build a strong culture around wellness and life-work balance that lead to fewer sick days and improved work performance. Corporate yoga offers many useful benefits. The health benefits alone of physical activity and practicing mindfulness have been cited by top research institutions. Not only can the effects of stress relief improve morale and brain function, but the shared experience of taking a yoga class with coworkers can be memorable and uniquely fun! 

From serving as an activity and opportunity for team bonding, to providing self-care to workers during busy work hours, a yoga, meditation, or fitness class can be a welcome break for all participants.

We offer a variety of corporate classes that can be hosted in our studio or off-site at your office. With flexible scheduling and custom requests, we are happy to work with you to bring fitness, yoga and mindfulness to your office life. Contact us here.

Host classes at your office!

Our instructors can come to your office – class can be held in any space available; whether in the company gym or an empty conference room.

Invest in your team’s health and wellbeing

Taking just 30 minutes away to move, breathe, and practice mindfulness can have positive effects on your team’s productivity, wellbeing, and overall morale!

Refresh and Recharge

Giving your employees time to move and recharge makes for a happier office!

Corporate Yoga with YogaSource

We are happy to work with you to find a custom fit that works well for you and your team. For all booking inquiries please fill out the form below or email the details of your request to info@yogasource.com.


$100 One Class

$450 Five Classes

Learn More About our Corporate Yoga Program

Please fill out this form to request detailed information on Corporate class offerings and/or to inquire about specific requests


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